The Staff at Recovery at The Crossroads invite you to experience our comfort room, welcome oasis…

Recovery at The Crossroads, along with our other facilities focus on wellness in the forms of mind, body and soul. Every facility has introduced the wellness aspect into their treatment plan, to expand an individual’s recovery process.


We offer a warm and professional atmosphere enhanced by the commitment of our Wellness Program to treat all aspects of the client’s life. The program provides a variety of wrap-around services to encompass the health of their mind, body, and soul. Their week allows for a diverse array of experiences. The staff at Recovery at the Crossroads invite you to experience our comfort room, welcome oasis, a relaxing atmosphere enhanced by aromatherapy. Here the clients discover relief from the anxiety often experienced in early recovery. Adventure therapy, martial arts, yoga, and Palates add a release to stress as well as building confidence and trust in their physical ability. A weekly Spirituality group speaks in a general way to their soul, and the attitude necessary to facilitate healthy change. Weekly music and art encourage creativity to open their minds to new abilities. Neck and body massages are offered along with Wellness Consultations, including but not limited to topics of sleep disturbance, depression, and anxiety relief. The Wellness program supplies new skills to complement the state-of-the-art clinical treatment.

Wellness Wednesdays, launched in 2019, it is an additional day of service focusing on emotional and physical well-being which includes lifestyle behavior choices to ensure healthy living in a balanced state of body, mind and spirit. We offer 30-minute chair massages provided by massage therapist. Concurrent to this service, the program consists of a spirituality group, a guided visualization meditation group, Yoga facilitated and individual counseling.

 Finally, Recovery in Motion, a partnership with a local physical fitness center. Certified Trainers conduct co-lead fitness groups on site and at the fitness center offering discounts to our clients and staff alike at their local facility. Recovery in Motion focuses on using exercise as a coping skill for substance use as well as an outlet for battling anger, anxiety and depression. Clients will have the opportunity to work with a personal trainer to design a workout plan based around their health and wellness goals. Classes will be offered weekly as part of the treatment day with transportation provided to and from the workout center.

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