Chanukas Habayis in Naugatuck, CT

On Sunday, October 27th, there will be a landmark event to mark the establishment of Keser Torah Estates, a Makom Torah that serves as the home of Mesivta Yesodei Hatorah and Kollel Sifsei Dov. The Mesivta and Kollel will serve as cornerstones of a new, unique, planned Torah community.

Click here to view the brochure for Keser Torah Estates.

The crowning feature of the community is an outstanding group of young Talmidei Chachamim who are led by the well-known Marbitz Torah, Harav Moshe Makovoz, shlita. In addition to strengthening the learning of the Beis Medrash, Kollel Sifsei Dov will, B’ezras Hashem, imbue the entire community with the spirit of Limud HaTorah and Avodas Hashem.

Although the Mesivta was founded just a few years ago, its reputation of excellence has achieved widespread recognition, attracting serious and motivated Talmidim from across the United States. The Menahel, Harav Aryeh Reiss, shlita, has successfully infused the Mesivta with the ruach of a premiere Yeshiva. The Mesivta’s schedule, including in-Shabbosos and daily night Seder blend the bochurim from the neighboring Waterbury community and the dormitory Talmidim together in the common pursuit of Ameilus BaTorah.

Please join Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim and dignitaries for this historic occasion.

October 27 | 2:00 pm | 874 May Street | Naugautck, CT | 06770

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