An Oasis Called Home – A Hachnosas Orchim Home on Interstate 80

An Oasis Called Home – A Hachnosas Orchim Home on Interstate 80

A Home for Klal Yisroel – A First of Its Kind

Announcing a groundbreaking campaign for 5780 by a group of Askanim – with the goal of providing emergency wayside accommodations for families traveling across the Midwest-East coast highways and back. The Orchim House Project will serve -bezras Hashem- traveling Jewish families who are in a pinch, and need accommodations for the night or Shabbos. Located conveniently right off Interstate 80, in Pennsylvania midway between Cleveland and NY, servicing travelers going to or coming from Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and will be available on first come first serve basis (Except for emergencies, advance reservation will be required).

The project is spearheaded by Torah Centers of America, in conjunction with the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce and other major Jewish Organizations, and will be managed by a dedicated national group of volunteers.

Shimon*, a father of a large family who has done the Midwest – East Coast route many times, had this to say about the Orchim House Project, “This is real Hachnosas Orchim in truest sense. Today, we rarely find someone who is without a place to sleep like we read about in the books, so this is a great way to have an eternal share in the Mitzvah of Hachnosas Orchim. Large families cannot afford to stay in Hotels, and the tired fathers/mothers who are driving can only hope to get some rest by the wayside. Obviously, without a good rest they remain tired and drowsy, jeopardizing the entire family. The longer the drive, the greater the sakanah is. I cannot overstate how welcome the Orchim House is to someone like myself. And – who knows? People who donate to this may actually be helping themselves or their children one day. I can also see my family leaving books and toys for the next family, so this is a unique Klal Yisroel project”.


Whether experiencing a roadside emergency, or running late before Shabbos, nobody wants to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Orchim House will have a Kosher kitchen, as well as Jewish Seforim and Books, which will provide the guests with a feeling of Home. Aside from a small maintenance fee to cover costs, Orchim House will operate as a communal chesed initiative, and is available for sponsorships by individuals and organizations Please email us for a list of opportunities.

Please take a moment to contribute at least the suggested amount of $100 to this campaign! The sooner we acquire the funding, the quicker this service will be available. Updates will be sent to all donors who enroll in our email contact list. As the project grows, a system for reservations will be shared with communities interested in offering this on their media platforms.

For questions please email us at [email protected]

(Pictures are for illustration purposes only)


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