The Wheels on the Bus Want to go Round

You can Help!

One of the most amazing phenomena of our time is the hundreds of bus routes that make their way each day from Eretz Yisroel’s outlying, periphery moshavim, transporting young children from secular homes to Torah schools in developed towns and cities. Gedolei Yisroel have spoken repeatedly of the joy and nachas this brings to the Shechina, as we return Hakadosh Boruch Hu’s lost children to Him.

Unfortunately, now several weeks into the school year, many of this “miracle buses” are sitting idle with their wheels not in motion. Many of the boys who would be on those buses are sitting at home and at risk of being sent to the local secular school.

These bus routes are underwritten solely by the generosity of individual sponsors from amongst Klal Yisroel, around the world. While the Israeli Ministry of Education does provide funding for the educational budget of Chinuch Atzmai, they refuse to pay for the costs of transportation. This leaves kids in such outlying communities stuck, with no option for a Torah chinuch.

The good news is that you, with just a minimal donation of $30 per month, can get those wheels on the bus running again. Yes, with mere “pocket change” you can chart the course a neshama’s future. Not just this neshama, but all the neshamos of its future generations, for eternity!

This opportunity is enabled through Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel, the fund established by the gedolim in Eretz Yisroel to provide busing financed by individual sponsors from around the world. Thousands of non-frum and nominally frum parents are eager to send their children to a school that will connect their children to their heritage.

 At the offices of Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel, a large pile of applications still await sponsorships! The fate of these children rests in your hands!

Sponsor a neshoma today! Perhaps two! Or three! Or more! 

Acquire this remarkable zechus in advance of the upcoming Yamim Noraim and merit the abundant brachos enumerated by the gedolei Yisroel for nachas from your own family, health, prosperity and hatzlacha in all endeavors.

Click here to sponsor now.

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