Avinu Malkeinu – A Night of Awakening in Your City

25,000 People.
13 Cities. 
7 Speakers. 
5 Countries. 

Avinu Malkeinu, A Night of Awakening, is Ohr Naava’s crowning achievement. What an AMAZING Kiddush Hashem it is to see thousands of people in one room preparing for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – taking time out of their hectic pre-Yom Tov schedules to grow in their Avodas Hashem! In addition to our incredible Brooklyn event, Ohr Naava has spread its wings in 10 other locations, with many speeches available online. 
This year,Avinu Malkeinu comes to life in Antwerp, London, Manchester, Toronto,
Five Towns, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, Montreal, Monsey, Lakewood, Flatbush, and Jerusalem. All over the world, Jews of all backgrounds join together to listen to words of inspiration and chizuk to prepare themselves and their families for the Yomim Noraim.
Our blockbuster lineup includes: Mrs. Jackie Bitton, Rav Gav Friedman, Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, R’ Eli Mansour, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrahi and R’ Zechariah Wallerstein.

Ohr Naava Avinu Malkeinu 2019 World Wide Tour
Don’t miss it!Click HERE for more info.

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