Join Rav Chaim’s Efforts to Save a Righteous Jew From Prison!

Our Gedolei Yisroel are saying to Klal Yisroel – Save The Baal Chessed from Mattersdorf!


R’ Yosef Chaim, a well known ba’al chessed, is in imminent danger of an extended prison sentence after being cruelly defrauded and cheated. His legal team provided by the involved rabbanim and askanim can save him from jail and put him back on his feet in recovering some of the stolen funds.

R’ Yosef Chaim has been forced to leave his wife and 4 children, including a new baby, to fend for themselves. Right now his wife has no husband. His four children have no father. The family does not have parnassah. Two hundred thousand dollars is all that stands between his current state and reunification with his family.


Some of the urgent letters:

” All those who help, they and their families, should be dealt with in kind by Hashem and be successful in supporting their families respectfully… and enjoy success in all their endeavors”

Maran Hagoan HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Raban Shel Kol Bnei Hagolah

“I join the plea to help Reb Yosef Chaim and his family”

HaRav Aharon Feldman, Rosh Hayeshiva of Ner Yisroel, Baltimore

“Please do all to save this enormous supporter of Torah and Torah families”

HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim

“Askanim have put together a complete and comprehensive plan to save this family”

HaRav Yisroel Gans, Rav of Kiryas Mattersdorf

“Whoever can help should save this family from collapse”

HaRav Shaya Portnoy, Rosh Yeshiva Beis Medrash l’Torah

“I have looked into some of the details of his current situation and it is a great mitzvah to contribute generously to this cause”

HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Rav Agudas Yisroel, Baltimore

“I am personally familiar with R’ Yosef Chaim and these unfortunate affairs and consider this to be a mitzvah of pidyon shevuyim, from the highest priorities of tzedaka”

Harav Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Av Beis Din Baltimore

Click here to see full text of the letters.


Please help! Without reaching our goal, there is no way of stopping these intolerable outcomes!

Thank you!

All donations are tax deductable.


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