This Week on the Halacha Headlines Podcast – Summer Vacations and Halacha

Summer vacation can pose a unique set of challenges for the Halachically observant Jew.

How do you keep Kosher on the go? What items even need a hechsher? How do you keep Shabbos at a hotel with all the sensors and motion detectors?

Kivrey Tzadikim are a popular destination for summer trips. But what are the Halachic and haskafic ramifications of visit Beis HaKvaros and Kivrei Tzadikim? Can we daven to meisim?

Our guests on this week’s episode of Halacha Headlines include Rabbi Doniel Neustadt, author of The Monthly Halachah Discussion; Rabbi Doniel Lander , Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim; and Director of Kashrus for the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc), Rabbi Sholem Fishbane.

The show is hosted by Dovid Lichtenstein, CEO and founder of the Lightstone Group and author of the Headlines book series.

Listen to the podcast here:

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