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Extraordinary Brocha from Reb Chaim

Extraordinary Brocha from Reb Chaim

The Goan’s special brocha can be yours. The world of the almanah and the six yesomim of Reb Yosef Wertzberger z’l has been shattered. What a loss! The niftar was a loving father and a devoted husband. Unfortunately, he was taken at an early age and left a family bereft. Moreover, during this time they are also faced with an uncertain future. With no savings and their primary breadwinner gone, they are in a precarious situation.

His contagious smile and warm demeanor were respected by all who knew him. A giving friend, who knew just what to do or say to help others, at all the right moments; he will be sorely missed. As the community, shul, family and friends come to terms with this tragedy there is something you can do.


At the behest of the Rabbanim involved a Keren Yesomim has been set up under the leadership of Rabbi Binyamin Breuer, Rabbi Yoel Wosner, Rabbi Chaim Meir Halberstam and Rabbi Shmiel Duvid Friedman. It is hoped that the dedicated tzibbur will join forces and come together to raise one million dollars to be set aside for the yesomim of the Wertzberger family.

To that end, Reb Chaim was approached to give his personal brocha to all those who contribute.

The poignant words of the Goan echo in their minds as they busy themselves with this fundraising campaign.


It is not every day that they are privy to hear such a clear and expressive brocha for arichas yomim!

It is not every day that you can be privy to such a direct brocha that your family be spared the pain of these yesomim.

It is not every day that you can help make their lives easier and protect your family with the heartfelt brocha of Reb Chaim that your children should not be yesomim, r’l.


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