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Yeshivas Ner Dovid of Monsey Welcomes Rav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlit”a

By Yehuda Leib Grohman

It was one of those rare precious moments, as the famed Rav and Mashpia of Boro Park,Horav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlit”a graced Monsey with his presence, and Divrei Chizuk. Rav Eisenberger, Rov of Khal Heichal Hatefillah in Boro Park, presented his drosha at Yeshivas Ner Dovid of Monsey, Rabbi Yona Friedberg’s Yeshiva. The event was truly inspiring as expressed by all those present.

Rabbi Eisenberger expressed that true Yiddishkeit is the connection we have to Hashem, minus all the outer trappings and attire. Whilst Klal Yisroel has had tremendous leaders and tremendous structures which all were necessary for our Avoidas Hashem, the true inner core of Avoidas Hashem is the actual connection one has, between himself and the Boirei Oilam.

In times gone by, we may not have had such prestigious building and edifices, nor much of the beautiful malbushim of today, but when one looked under the torn withered Taleisim, one saw copious tears flowing, and a true connection to the Boirei Oilam. These days too, amidst the plenty, we have to be mindful, that it is this connection, which we so deeply need and aspire to.

Rabbi Eisenberger ended with words of brocha for the bochurim of the Yeshiva, that they should continue growing and shteiging in their Avoidas Hashem, and place their focus on a pure unadulterated Kesher with the Borei Oilam.

Rav Binyomin’s spirited Shmuz inspired and energized the Yeshiva, and all those attending, and it is our hope that they, and all of Klal Yisroel will take these words to heart.

Rabbi Friedberg expressed to me, that as the Yeshiva expands and produces more and more high quality Bnei Torah, it is this quintessential message that people notice about the YND bochur. Like the Gemora says in Kesubois Daf 17 when Reb Zeira received Semicha they sang for him “Loi Kechal Veloi Serak Veloi Pirchus,Veyales Chein” , meaning Reb Zeira had Chein and true Yiras Shomayim, without the need of outer trappings, it was true Yiddishkeit and Yiras Shomayim at its core and essence. So too with the YND Talmid, people have noticed and often comment, how their focus and priorities are centered on the penimius, and a pure connection to Yiddishkeit. May this wonderful Makoim Torah continue to grow in leaps and bounds, and continue to put out such wonderful Bnei Torah.

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