WATCH NOW! Powerful Film on Rav Weinberg zt”l His 20th Yahrzeit is 17 B’Tamuz!

Uplift Yourself With This Amazing NEW Film!

Hear His Story…Connect With This Unique Gadol.

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Pillar of Truth is the compelling life story of

HaRav Yaakov Weinberg zt”l Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel.

Produced by the Torah Legacy Foundation.

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His warmth and unique approach impacted thousands.

Rav Weinberg zt”l was a kiruv pioneer who made the beauty of Torah accessible to people from all walks of life!

Find out why his brother, Rav Noach Weinberg zt”l, founder of Aish HaTorah, viewed him as his rebbe and the rebbe of Klal Yisroel!

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17 B’Tamuz, is his 20th Yahrzeit

Experience a PILLAR OF TRUTH!

For Men & Women

“This superb film captures the original qualities of Rav Weinberg’s life. It should be seen by all who wish to understand the inner life of a great Rosh HaYeshiva and spiritual leader.”

– Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus, Cong. Beth Jacob Atlanta

“Rav Weinberg z”l, was one of the most impactful American Torah leaders in the latter portion of the 20th Century. This beautiful film provides a wonderful overview of his unique compilation of brilliance, passion and piety – leaving the viewer eager to learn more!”

– Mr. Moishe Bane, President, Orthodox Union

Watch the Film Now!

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Rav Weinberg’s great rebbeim included:

Rav Aryeh Levin, Etz Chaim, Yerushalyim; Rav Shlomo Heiman, Torah Vodaath;

Rav Dovid Leibowitz, Chofetz Chaim; Rav Yitzchok Hutner, Chaim Berlin;

Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, Ner Yisroel; Rav Shach, Ponevezh, Bnai Brak.

Hear the story of one of the first American-born Gedolim who followed in their ways. For close to 50 years, Rav Weinberg zt”l shared piercing insights, always with a rock solid Emunah, to the thousands who sought his guidance. He was a frequent speaker for many organizations including, Agudath Israel, AJOP, Torah Umesorah, Aish HaTorah, and others. Rav Weinberg zt”l’s legacy lives on through the thousands he guided for decades, in communities around the world.

Some of the nearly 100 interviewees include:

Mr. Moishe Bane, Rav Tzvi Berkowitz, Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rav Moshe Brown, Rav Simcha Cook, HaRav Aharon Feldman, Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rav Yaakov Hopfer, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Mr. Larry Katz, Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky, Rav Nochum Lansky, Rabbi Boruch Leff, HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, Rav Nota Schiller, Rabbi Dovid Spetner, Rav Beryl Weisbord, Rabbi Dovid Zargari, HaRav Yochanan Zweig, and many others!

Watch the Film Online Now!

THIS WEEK – Get 10% OFF with code “10OFF” at checkout

Become A Partner! Spread Rav Weinberg zt”l’s legacy, and inspire communities worldwide! Your contribution will help finalize project costs and includes free DVDs and links to watch the film online.

JOIN NOW! These and future inspiring films are only possible with your generous support. All sponsorships are tax-deductible, Federal Tax ID# 81-3497363

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