This Is One Event You Don’t Want To Miss

This coming Monday evening, Motzaei Yom Tov Sheini of Shavuot, Achim Global will be bringing together Jewish businesspeople from around the world at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Jerusalem, for a first-of-its-kind Mentor Time Bank Drive.

“The idea behind this campaign is to get established businesspeople to commit to mentoring those who are just starting out in the same field. It’s not a fundraiser, it’s an awareness-raiser,” says Achim Chairman Motti Eichler, who co-founded Achim with Marc Schimmel with the goal of promoting entrepreneurship. “We want people to give of themselves – their time, their experience in the business world.”

Rav Asher Weiss will give the opening address, following which attendees will enjoy a musical interlude by Yanky Rubin and Israel Adler. The evening will conclude with the official launching of Achim Global’s Mentor Bank, where attendees can pledge between 10 and 30 hours of their time to an up-and-coming entrepreneur over the coming year.

Mentors and mentees will be paired up based on their shared industry or area of interest, and consultations will be given either through teleconferencing or face to face.

“We don’t think twice about donating to worthy causes,” says Eichler, “yet when it comes to our time and expertise, for some reason we don’t think to share the gifts we’ve been given.”

This is unfortunate, as most start-ups fail or never even make it past the think-up stage despite having brilliant concepts, because entrepreneurs are lacking in business know-how; sometimes all they need is just to be put in touch with the right people. Achim Global is changing this paradigm, by pairing up business experts with promising entrepreneurs, sparing novices costly mistakes and setting them on the path to success. Achim’s Mentor Bank campaign aims to prove that time, indeed, equals money.

For more information click here

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