Celebrating 25 Years of Torah Legacy at Yeshivas Vyelipol – Now is your chance to show your gratitude!

Parents, alumni and friends of Yeshivas Vyelipol will be uniting tomorrow in an unprecedented display of hakaras hatov to mark the 25th anniversary of a cherished makom Torah. It’s happening at Tiferes Rivka Hall in Boro Park, and devoted followers will be there to express appreciation to the Yeshiva and Rabbeim who have molded their futures.

Twenty-five years ago, HaRav Yosef Chaim Frankel followed his vision – to create a yeshiva that would encompass depth of limud haTorah with a solid foundation for life. Baruch Hashem, he has succeeded. Around the world, Vyelipol talmidim are recognizable for their integrity, yiras shamayim, and middos tovos, and their lifelong immersion in Torah – no matter their occupation.

Honoring HaRav Frankel shlita

Renowned posek and distinguished member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Rav Frankel is never too busy for his precious talmidim. The close bond he cultivates with every one of his students is mirrored in the kesher they continue to develop with all of their Rabbeim at Yeshivas Vyelipol.

Every talmid recognizes the truth – that their very identity is tied into the mesorah and middos tovos they absorbed in Yeshivas Vyelipol. That’s why hundreds of grateful talmidim will be coming out tomorrow night to mark a quarter century of Rav Frankel’s tireless dedication to each talmid.

Tribute to Vyelipol’s Founding Class

If not for a group of 24 pioneering bochurim who faithfully followed HaRav Frankel’s vision, none of this would be possible. Tomorrow evening, parents and alumni will pay tribute to the founding class of Yeshivas Vyelipol for their fortitude, courage, and leadership.

Representing Vyelipol’s founding class is Rav Naftali Seidenfeld, Rosh Mesivta and Menahel of Yeshiva Torah Chaim in Denver, Colorado. He exemplifies the passion and accomplishments of Vyelipol graduates, and their committment in passing the torch of Torah and Yiddishkeit to their families and future generations.

Entertainment and Achdus

The dinner program promises to be stimulating and inspiring, with a brand-new composition by the world-famous Sender Gelb to honor the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yosef Chaim Frankel. Also in the lineup is a stirring audiovisual presentation featuring never-before-seen footage of Yeshivas Vyelipol’s founding class, along with memorable images and video that encapsulate Vyelipol’s glorious past and present. The event will be chaired by emcee Chaim Fried.

Not-to-be-missed is the unveiling of a new Alumni Network that will reconnect talmidim with old chaveirim and re-ignite the Vyelipol legacy that lives within each of them. Chavrei Vyelipol is a new initiative that every talmid will want to be involved in.

This historic event is tomorrow evening! Show your gratitude to Yeshivas Vyelipol tomorrow, Tuesday night, at Tiferes Rifka Hall, 1257-38th Street. Reception begins at 7:00pm, with dinner to follow at 7:30. We look forward to greeting you!


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