The Flatbush Mikvah Renewal Campaign

The Flatbush community has been one of the most vibrant communities in the United States for many decades.   As with any frum community, there are various institutions that are fundamental to developing and sustaining our ability to continue to live our frum lifestyle.  One such institution that every family in Flatbush avails itself of is the Mikvah Yisroel of Flatbush located on Ocean Ave and Ave L. Twenty five years ago, the Flatbush community got together and built the Mikvah which has served our community on a nightly basis.  Mikvah Yisroel of Flatbush has been as the primary mikvah for our families taharas hamispacha and currently, this mikvah serves as the only full service Ashkenaz Mikvah in Flatbush with 26 preparation rooms, a kallah suite and a handicap Mikvah.   

As with any communal institution, the mikvah is in need of some vital renovations.  Along with the many infrastructure repairs and aesthetic upgrades, this renewal project will ensure that our Mikva will be from amongst the nicest and most inviting mikvaos of any frum community in the world. The Flatbush community is full of new homes, new shuls, and new kosher establishments.  The Mikvah however has not been touched since it was built twenty five years ago, and is now in desperate need of a renewal.   The importance and need for this renewal campaign has been given the haskomos of most of the Flatbush Rabbonim and everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in this campaign. The 48 Hour “Flatbush Mikvah Renewal” Campaign is currently live online and with the help of all in our community, we hope to raise the $1 Million needed to elevate the glory and beauty of the Flatbush Mikvah – and the Flatbush community – in a dignified and deserving way.



The Flatbush Mikvah Renewal Campaign: 

Renewed Passion, Renewed Elevation, Renewed Community!

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