Video: Yidden Davening for Yeshuos Traveled to Liska for Tal Chaim of Liska’s yahrtzeit

Over  the past several years, personal firsthand accounts of yeshous have been conveyed after traveling to Liska, Hungary.  This year multitudes of people yidden went to be mispalel for the klal and the individual at the tziyon of the Tal Chaim of Liska, a gaon oilam and poal yeshous whose very essence was Torah in a scale rare even for his generation whose 115th yahrtzeit was observed this year.
It is noteworthy that the Tal Chaim of Liska was known as totally removed from olan hazeh to the point of literally not being able to discern  the different denominations of currency which elevated his ability to be a poel yeshous for those that were zocheh to bask in his kedusha.
Although during his lifetime, the Tal Chaim of Liska was relatively unknown as compared to his father in law, Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska, known as the Ach Pri Tevuah who attracted tens of thousands of chasidim from throughout Hungary, in recent years, almost by accident, the tziyon Tal Chaim was discovered as a makom for yeshous after several people unconnected and unrelated, began to inform others of incredible, firsthand accounts of yeshous after davening at his tziyun. 
It is brought down that koiach of a tzadik is unbated after his petirah, and in fact, is elevated by the zechus of his Torah which the sifrei Kabalah bring down continues in shomayim and here b’oilam hazeh we have the ability that b’siyata d’shmaya we are able to harness that koiach Hakadosha for yeshous.

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