Gateshead: Hoping for Success

Wandering through the few streets that constitute Jewish Gateshead, even a casual observer senses the electricity in the air. People walk briskly with a sense of purpose, many with impossible-to-restrain, delighted smiles. Moving toward the main Shul, the atmosphere fairly crackles with energy. Stepping through the double doors, into the newly constructed shell of the mikveh building, one is greeted by an unprecedented sight. By long tables, littered with telephones, laptops, pens and the occasional refreshment, men sit shoulder to shoulder; a Posek next to a high school boy, a renowned Mashgiach next to a Cheder Administrator and a fishmonger next to a Kollel Yungerman. Class distinctions melt away as they are united in achieving one goal – raising money for the interior outfitting of the Kehilla’s only mikve.
The current situation is untenable, the need is dire. And to their elation, it appears that Yieden world-wide appreciate this too. At the time of writing, midnight of day 1 of the mammoth Mikve Crowdfunding Campaign, the counter has hit an unparalleled 70% of the 2 million pound sterling goal! In the face of this staggering siyatta dishmaya, the enthusiastic organisers are hoping to run a bonus round bringing up the total to 2.6 million, to pay for all of the additional costs that will allow speedy occupancy of the new mikve. This includes professional fees, furniture fitting, essential mikve materials and all associated costs required to move directly into the fully-outfitted premises.

As the women in the kehilla maintain a 36 hour Tehillim Zuggen organised by the Rebbetzen, their husbands with bated breath, hands clutching telephone receivers, fingers on the keypad and eyes on the screens, hope with pounding hearts that the Kehilla will reach its goal.

We are so close to finish line that we can already sense the euphoria of beholding the finished product. Join us, be a part, provide us with that final spurt of energy that will propel us over the finish line. Contribute via

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