Tosh Monsey Launches Hotline for Questions on Jewish Law

MONSEY, NY – Tosh Monsey, a unique Hassidic community in Rockland County known for its high academic standards and community outreach, has launched a 24-hour hotline in English – 845-613-3135 – to answer all types of questions on Jewish law. They are the only Hassidic sect in the nation that staffs a hotline with “dayanim,” ordained rabbis with advanced training who can answer a broad range of questions.

              The Bais Huruah Hotline was started five years ago by the Tosh-Monsey Rebbe, Rabbi Avrohom Katz. Each year, the program has received upwards of 7,500 calls that were answered in Yiddish. Because of the strong response, the organization is expanding the program to English.

              “The Rebbe regularly gets inquiries from people around the world. Many Jews outside of our community and the Yiddish-speaking world have questions and a thirst for authentic learning. We wanted to share our Torah with them and help them navigate issues in their everyday lives,” said Rabbi David Friedman, Tosh Monsey executive director.

              The Rebbe himself regularly takes a shift answering calls.

              “One of his greatest loves is finding the time to speak directly to those who want to learn and have questions,” added Friedman. “The Rebbe is very accessible and interested in helping Jews outside our community as well. It brings him great joy when he can assist Jews enhance their lives.


Founded in 1999, Tosh-Monsey is leading the way on innovating the Kollel experience. Under the leadership of its dean Harav Hagaon Reb Avrohom Katz and his unique blend of Breslov spirituality with traditional Talmudic rigor inspires Jews from all walks of life.

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