Kosher Guru’s 2019 Pesach Guide

Kosher Guru’s Kosher For Passover 2019 Guide features content curated by Team Kosher Guru. Enjoy The Recipes, Chol Hamoed trip suggestions, and the Kosher for Passover Restaurant directory. Keep us posted on what you ate, where you ate, and how you spent your Chol Hamoed!



It’s hard to put together a list of the best Pesach recipes out on social media today…but someone had to do it! Here is a listing of 13 of our favorite Passover recipes culled from fellow bloggers, Instagram personalities, etc.


Chol Hamoed Trips

Want to feel like your flying while riding on the highest zipline in America?! Or swim through the blue waters with sting rays at your feet?! Well you can do this and so much more with our Top 10 crazy and fun-for-the-whole- family 2019 Chol Hamoed Trip List! We’ve included places in Orlando and New york, and what’s listed here, isn’t your average go-to places to visit. So get the kids, pack your snacks, and let’s get going!



We got you covered, and have created for your eating enjoyment an amazing up to date Kosher L’Pesach list that includes restaurants, takeout and supermarkets within the US and Canada!


Link To Pesach 2019 Page:

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