Do You Know Someone Who Needs Help Making Yom tov?

Here’s How You Can Help Them!Do you have a friend or neighbor that you know needs help to cover the enormous expense of Pesach groceries? Do you wish you could help them but don’t know what you can do?Keren Zichron Naftali, a new initiative, was founded this Yom tov season as a means for local residents to provide their neighbors in need with $500 gift cards to a local grocery, which will enable them to fill their carts with Yom tov staples. The dedicated askanim who formed this keren did so after witnessing the very real difficulties and the very extreme stress many local families go through trying to make Yom tov. So, how does it work?Concerned Lakewood residents can contact Keren Zichron Naftali and let them know about someone who is struggling financially and needs assistance to make Yom tov. By calling Keren Zichron Naftali, the concerned individual accepts to raise $250 towards the gift card, with Keren Zichron Naftali matching that amount – thus doubling the money raised to $500. Every name received is confirmed as truly in need by the keren’s activists, who oversee the distribution of the cards. It is truly a prime example of friends helping friends and neighbors helping neighbors. Every dollar you raise to assist your neighbor is doubled; every $100 equals $200. It’s as simple as that. If you know of someone in need of help this Yom tov season and are ready to raise $250 of the $500 towards the gift card, please call 718-300-3615 or email [email protected]. If you would simply like to donate to Keren Zichron Naftali to help cover the cost of the gift cards, please visit

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