Miri Had a Stroke Before She Was Born. Who Will Be There to Help Her?

Miri Had a Stroke Before She Was Born. Who Will Be There to Help Her? Before Miri was even born, she had a stroke.
From the day she came into the world, she’s been blind, physically disabled, and cognitively impaired. She requires extensive care just to survive the day.

At Makor Disability Services, we have 180 individuals, from newborns to seniors, who have disabilities and require intensive daily assistance.
Sometimes the families are so emotionally or physically burdened by their children’s plight that they find it difficult to remain involved in their care. We are these people’s home, giving them health, happiness, and dignity.
 Can you imagine the confusion and fear a person with autism faces if they need to be in the hospital with no friendly face to support and advocate for them. We provide 24/7 care for the people we serve, to help them cope with whatever challenges they are facing.
Despite repeated government cutbacks, we continue to fund every aspect of their medical and emotional needs.
We have hundreds of dedicated staff and volunteers who help make a difference in these people’s lives. But we need your help. These are abandoned children whom society could easily forget, who would fall to the wayside if we didn’t step in to support them.This is the ultimate form of chesed. Please be a part of supporting those who so desperately need our care, and help us meet their most basic needs of health, wellbeing, and safety.
Watch the video below for an important message from Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser about the importance of Makor Disability Service’s work.
The Makor Patient Advocate Fund Under the auspicious Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Brachya Schuck, and Hillel Jaffa.

One Response

  1. It is easy to approach a post like this with cynicism. In this case, I have seen in my neighborhood the care that these kids get 24/7/365 from an astounding staff. Makor, and under its previous name, W omens League really is respected by everybody in this field.
    Imagine boys that were never able to behave in Shul, learning (with one to one counselors) to behave and even memorize parts of Davening. Imagine these kids visiting the neighborhood grocery store before Shaboss.
    I am aware that some things are Government funded and some things are not. I have seen first hand how this agency does a lot.

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