Holocaust survivors publish letter declaring: “Corbyn is not an anti-Semite”

13 holocaust survivors sign letter supporting the embattled Labor leader, Jeremy Corbyn. The noteworthy message was prominently published in the Sunday Times.

London, England – This past Sunday, the British newspaper The Sunday Times published a letter signed by 13 holocaust survivors in which they defend Jeremy Corbyn’s record and declare that he is a friend and ally of the Jewish people.

The extraordinary letter came on the heels of the announcement by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, that it will investigate the Labor party’s response to cries of antisemitism in their ranks and whether it complied with British equality laws.

In the letter, the survivors write that “if any [antisemitism] exists within the party, it is minimal and is no more prevalent than in any other political party.” Furthermore, the writers claim that Corbyn has in fact been a supporter of Jewish causes. Among other notable measures, he has assisted members of the Jewish community in many sensitive areas, such as avoiding autopsies, protecting Jewish burial areas and was also instrumental in bringing Jewish families from Yemen to Great Britain.

In conclusion of the letter, the writers note that “the real current threat to Jewish life in the UK is the anti-religious education policies being relentlessly pursued by Ofsted.” They continue “To our chagrin, they receive full backing from these so-called Anglo-Jewish leadership organizations, together with certain secularist groups, which display no compunction in discriminating against people with religious beliefs.”

The man behind the letter is the noted London activist, R’ Shrage Stern who serves as a liaison between the Jewish community and Mr. Corbyn, and is also one of the leading voices in the fight to protect Chareidi Chinuch.

One Chareidi leader commented to Israeli website B’chadrei Chareidim that the letter received significant buzz in the community due to the fact that over a dozen holocaust survivors came to Mr. Corbyn’s defenses. He also alluded to Corbyn’s contentious relationship with Israel by saying “Corbyn is a fighter on behalf of Palestinian rights but he is not an enemy of the Jewish people. To the contrary, he supported and continues to support Jews and Judaism and he is a longtime friend of the Chareidi community.”

It should be noted that earlier this year, 30 prominent Chareidi Rabbis posted a letter in support of Jeremy Corbyn. The letter was written in response to comments made by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of Britain. Rabbi Sacks had previously made an appearance on British TV in which he sharply attacked the Labor party and its leadership, and also warned that they are causing many Jews to question if they can continue living in the country.

“We were shocked to learn about those that are claiming in the media that the Jews of Britain are outraged towards the Labour Party’s respected leader, Jeremy Corbyn,” read the letter. “We therefore feel necessary to clarify that we have no connection whatsoever with these irresponsible remarks,” continued the document that was signed among others by leaders of Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz and Satmar.

2 Responses

  1. Hassidic communities using Holocaust survivors for their own political ends is nothing short of disgraceful. The Labour Party’s own internal report has found a great deal of anti-Semitism within the Party, particularly among party activists. Moreover, the Labour leadership has already acknowledged that their is an issue of anti-Semitism within the Party. Instead of working together with prominent, respected figures within the political establishment to root out this cancer of hatred, it would appear that some people would rather sell the rest of the Jewish community down the river in exchange for short-term political gain

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