Family Received Shocking News During Simcha

The “Cohen” family were gathered together for a joyous moment: their daughter’s sheva brachos. Siblings and parents were seated around the table, telling over family stories and enjoying each other’s company, when the mother-of-the-bride’s phone rang. It was a phone call that would change the course of their lives forever.

“Sara” was diagnosed with cancer. The next year was a blur of tears, pain, treatments, and hospitals. By the end of the year, she was in remission. Though her life was saved, their household was in shambles. The couple & their seven children were swimming in debt. That’s when the second wave came to knock them off their feet: Husband “Moshe” was diagnosed with cancer as well.

Today, both “Sara” & “Moshe” are well. Their diseases, however, have come back to haunt them: Now that their dear daughter is engaged, they are unable to give her any help. A simple wedding, an apartment to move into, and making sheva brachos are financial impossibilities. They are busy struggling to pay their own rent, and purchase basic groceries.

Their situation is so dire that Rav Asher Weiss shlit”a has issued a public statement on their behalf, including a powerful video in which the Rav refers to Rabbi “Cohen” as “a wonderful person, who would rather be a giver than a taker.”

A fund is collecting donation to marry off the Cohen kallah, and ease the family’s devastating financial burden. Donors receive Rav Weiss’s bracha for “health, abundance, nachas and happiness.”


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