4 Hours to be a Millionaire!

4 Hours to be a Millionaire!

Every Jew is a millionaire. We have been gifted with the most precious and priceless gift of Torah, imbued with Simchas HaTorah and Simchas HaChaim.

MTI, Missouri Torah Institute, is a place where every student feels like a million bucks! Our Charidy campaign to raise a Million for MTI has only 4 hours left to reach its monumental goal. This is an all-or-nothing campaign so your generosity is super important! Every dollar you give will be quadrupled 4x by our generous matchers. Please give generously at Charidy.com/MTI and share this message with all of your friends, family members, coworkers, employers, employees, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, communities, networks, and anyone else you can think of.

There are a million reasons to share with a million people!

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