Only 12 Hours Left to Reach a MILLION for MT I,000,000!

Only 12 Hours Left to Reach a MILLION for MTI,000,000!

Please don’t wait until the last minute.
Me’Shenichnas Adar, Marbim B’Simcha!
Join MTI! A place of Simchas HaTorah and Simchas HaChaim!
MTI- Where each Talmid feels like a million bucks!

Right NOW 12 hours can literally make it or break it! The MILLION for MTI campaign has only 12 hours left to raise $1,000,000.
These 12 hours are all-or-nothing. If we reach our goal, MTI gets it all. IF not….

And every single dollar becomes ddddoooollllaaaarrrr! Yes, thanks to our generous matchers $1 quadrupled 4x into $4!

Give generously now at

Thanks a million!

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