Historic Bukharian Rabbinic Summit At Be’er Hagola

This past Monday afternoon, history was made when a delegation of 24 Bukharian Rabbonim entered the Be’er Hagolah Yeshiva building.  In fact, they had been invited by the Chief Rabbi of the Bukharian community of the USA and Canada, Rabbi Yitzhak Yisraeli.  The invitation letter sent to each Rav, read in part, “As a Rav in the community it is important to us that you have first-hand knowledge of the education offered at Be’er Hagolah…Additionally, we will have the opportunity to discuss the chinuch needs of the Bukharian community in general… Please make every effort to attend this important meeting.”

The Rabbonim were to be, in the Rav’s words, “honored to meet together with the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Mir, Rav Elya Brudny Shlit”a.”

Ten thousand precious Jewish children are presently enrolled  in New York city’s public schools. The sense of urgency was evident.

Harav Yisraeli, spoke to the assembled Rabbonim. He emphasized how important a Yeshiva Education was for any Jewish child. He said, “Children are Kodesh Kodashim and we are responsible for them”. Rabbi Avraham Nissanian said, “I am totally impressed, I parked my car and saw beauty. Beautiful facilities…..My dream for the Bukharian community is that we continue the beautiful Sephardic traditions through the great education given at Be’er Hagolah”

Harav Brudny described the nachas he feels every time he visits Be’er Hagolah. The happy faces and the ehrlichkeit and dedication of the rabbeim is a pleasure to see. The great education given at Be’er Hagolah is evident in the wide range of professional graduates that have come out from there over the last 39 years.

Rav Yirmi Levy said, “We see with our own eyes the long term results of investing in these beautiful children. I couldn’t leave. To see the beautiful atmosphere and the love for the yeshiva and rabbanim. To see children from my kehillah, how they looked three years ago and how they look today. Today I see pure diamonds.”

Rav Rafael Zavulunov said, “Happy children. Derech eretz. Refreshing to see smiles on their faces. It is our responsibility to afford this beautiful education to every child in our community”.

Rabbi German then began a tour of Be’er Hagolah facilities heading to the elementary school division, run by Ms. Zucker who spoke to them about the curriculum and the high standards of education which the school maintains.

The next stop was the Girls middle and high school departments, headed by Mrs. Taub, on the second floor.  It was clear to any onlooker that the girls were aware of the zechut they were being given.  They stood quietly and respectfully, knowing full well how to demonstrate their Kavod HaTorah.

A very poignant part of the afternoon was when the talmidim and talmidos of all divisions-elementary girls, elementary boys, high school boys and high school girls- came into the Shul to  pay their respect to the Rabbonim.  The boys extended their hands in greeting to the Rabbonim, many bending to kiss their hands in a special display of Kavod HaTorah.

Be’er Hagolah has been educating the sons of daughters of Bukharian families in Brooklyn and Queens for many years.  Each day  13 busses pull up in front of their respective entrances for another day of learning Torah followed by an afternoon of secular studies, leading up to a Regents diploma and admission to college.

The Be’er Hagolah budget stands at close to five million dollars annually.  A Jewish Education is kept within reach to all Jewish children by offering excellent academics and affordable tuition. Therefore, tuition covers only a fraction of the budget. It is only through the enthusiastic support of the Jewish community that the Be’er Hagolah mission can continue.

This very special visit will surely go down in history as a day when observations were made, and decisions were implemented, all for the purpose of strengthening of our mesorah.

Pre-donate today to the Be’er Hagolah one million dollar “Fulfill their Dreams” campaign.

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