Sisters of the Bride Mourn Their Mom

Esti Biderman is engaged to be married in a few weeks but is torn about leaving her orphaned siblings behind.

Sarah Biderman a”h, Esti’s mother, died of cancer half a year ago. The family of 7 is still in mourning. “I’ve tried to take my mother’s place,” says Esti in a moving video. She cares for her siblings just as her mother did until a few months ago.

The many surgeries and treatments over a year and a half of their mother’s suffering left the Biderman family deeply in debt. Unfortunately, now that Esti is engaged, her father Chaim Biderman has nothing to offer her. The family finances are strained, and Chaim can barely manage to support his children. There is no money to prepare for the wedding. It is humiliating for the young kallah who just wants to get married.

Just yesterday, Esti went to shop for her wedding dress, but she returned empty handed and ashamed: the money that was set aside is gone and there is no money left to prepare for the wedding. Click here to help now.

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe shlita of Yerushalayim is close with the Biderman family, and has written an urgent letter on their behalf:

“It is impossible to describe the suffering of the family… The mitzvah of supporting the Biderman family has tremendous power to protect [those who give] and their descendants from any illness. They will merit to bring up their children with health… Those who exert themselves to donate one thousand dollars will merit extraordinary blessing.”

The Rebbe will also pray at the Kever of the Noam Elimelech in Lizhensk on his yarzheit this Tuesday for all those who donate $1,000 today and tomorrow to help the Biderman family.

Those who wish to help Esti and the Biderman family can do so here for a limited time. They are truly performing a great mitzvah for a freshly orphaned kallah and her family and will the merit the powerful blessing of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe shlita on such an auspicious day.



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