Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron: Torah and Mussar Return to the Legendary Chatzer Strauss

Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron:

Torah and Mussar Return to the Legendary Chatzer Strauss
Built in 1896 under the encouragement of Rav Simchah Zissel Ziv of Kelm zt”l, the legendary Chatzer Straus campus was once home to the great mussar giants of previous generations.

After an Arab uprising in 1936, the Torah scholars of the Chatzer were forced to flee in fear of their lives, and over the decades the buildings  fell into disrepair.  In 2015, Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron purchased the Chatzer, and began the renovations that would give the Yeshiva its new home.

Today, the newly rebuilt and refurbished yeshiva continues the mesorah of rigorous limud Torah and avodas Hashem, with dedicated and committed young men striving in learning and ruchnius.

To learn more visit

Elevating Each Bochur to His Greatest Potential

Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron provides the framework for the serious minded, mature, self- motivated bochur,  to learn, grow, and reach his potential in limud hatorah and avodas Hashem, in a warm, balanced environment.

Our caring and talented rebbeim create an uplifting atmosphere, focusing on every individual bochur’s capabilities and strengths.  A unified, strong derech halimud progressively builds the skills to uncover the deeper meaning of the pshat of the gemarah, gradually bringing the talmidim to a life-long proficiency in independent learning.

In the upcoming weeks, rebbeim from the yeshiva will be visiting the United States to interview prospective talmidim for the upcoming Elul zman:  Rav Eliezer Rosenbaum will be in the New York area through February 26, and Rav Chaim Katz through March 3.

To schedule an interview email the yeshiva at [email protected]

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