Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron: Torah and Mussar Return to the Legendary Chatzer Strauss

Built in 1896 under the encouragement of Rav Simchah Zissel Ziv of Kelm zt”l, the legendary Chatzer Straus campus was once home to the great mussar giants of previous generations. 

After an Arab uprising in 1936, the Torah scholars of the Chatzer were forced to flee in fear of their lives, and over the decades the buildings  fell into disrepair.  In 2015, Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron purchased the Chatzer, and began the renovations that would give the Yeshiva its new home.

Today, the newly rebuilt and refurbished yeshiva continues the mesorah of rigorous limud Torah and avodas Hashem, with dedicated and committed young men striving in learning and ruchnius.

To learn more visit

Recapture the Spark

Alumni of the Yeshiva are looking forward an exciting and inspirational reunion on March 10th in Lakewood. Flying in from Eretz Yisroel are the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Moshe Friedman, and the Mashgiach, Rav Dovid Levy.

For more information email [email protected]

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