Camp S.O.U.L Once Again Offering Remarkable Summer Camp Experience in Northern Ontario–REGISTRATION OPEN!

After a smashingly successful inaugural year, Camp S.O.U.L (S.O.U.L – Summer Of Your Life) is proud to announce that registration for the upcoming summer 2019 camping trip is now open online. This incredible experience will take place about 440 kilometers North of Ontario Canada, in the spectacular wilderness region of Temagami. The trip will be held from August 13th to 29th, 2019 and has been split into two divisions, offering an intermediate experience for boys aged 14-16 and an advanced program for boys aged 16-18.

Temagami contains over 100,000 hectares of forests, lakes, and rivers amongst its ten provincial parks. It also boasts an amazing 2,400 km canoe route system, which is the largest network in North America. “We have an unbelievably beautiful and exciting route mapped out for this summer” said R. Shaya Rand, the Director of Camp S.O.U.L, while talking about the upcoming camping trip. “Together with Temagami Outfitting Co., we have added a wide range of enhanced activities for our campers and we invite you to check out our website and register your children now for a trip you don’t want them to miss!”

Learn more and register at

Camp S.O.U.L has teamed up with Temagami Outfitting Co.’s professionally trained and certified wilderness guides to ensure the safety of the campers throughout the trip. According to R. Shaya, Camp S.O.U.L strives to bring the very best in canoe tripping excellence, guided by staff with years of outdoor and wilderness experience as well as fully certified Wilderness First Responders.

The primary aim of this trip is to offer a summer of unparalleled excitement, challenge, and breathtaking nature. From paddling to hiking and fishing to surviving, the trip is designed to offer the unforgettable experience of a lifetime to its participants. Participants will also get a unique opportunity to learn a wide range of basic survival skills such as wood working, fire building, trail blazing and the ability to build fire and shelter. Finally, the participants will also get to learn food identification as well as map reading and using a compass.

Learn more and register at

Besides these basic survival skills, the participants will also get an opportunity in this summer camping trip to learn canoeing, portage, camp cooking, knife safety, water filtering and much more. An exciting addition being offered for the advanced group is the exciting Solo challenge, an opportunity for the participant to practice what he’s learned by himself or with a friend.

 “Besides learning skills, the teens participating in this trip will also get an opportunity to learn about the importance of Emunah and Bitachon,” said R. Shaya Rand, “Following in the footsteps of R’ Avigdor Miller Zt”l, the bochurim will see first-hand how the world truly testifies to its creator. We believe that the summer can be truly fulfilling and inspirational, as well as being a source of amazing fun.”

Parents of the participants from the trip of Summer 2018 have shared phenomenal feedback regarding the experience of their children during the trip. In their reviews and testimonials, parents of the previous year’s trip have declared it challenging and fulfilling for their kids.

For more information and to register now, please visit the website at

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