My Talmid Needed A Kidney.. I knew What I had to Do

Allow us to introduce you to our Kollel, the Kollel of Western Monmouth County, located in Manalapan NJ. We are a close knit group of Avreichim who spend the entire day together learning and taking part in the Torah revolution happening in Manalapan and its environs.

Over the last while we have been observing with growing concern as one of our fellow avreichim has been suffering from kidney disease and now he is in need of a kidney. When the Rosh Kollel, Rav Aaron Zisow, was informed of this development, he immediately offered to undergo extensive testing to see if he was a match! He was!!

The kidney transplant is scheduled for February 4. However, despite the calmness displayed by the Rosh Kollel concerning the actual surgery and recovery, we sense his apprehension regarding his ongoing financial responsibility to cover the Kollel budget and all of its community and outreach related expenses during recovery. Rabbi Zisow shoulders the spiritual leadership of the Kollel, alongside his position of community Rabbi. His fundraising responsibilities are already above his full schedule. Please partner with us, the chavrei hakollel, to uphold the kollel’s financial obligations over the recovery period so that our selfless Rosh Kollel can have a complete, restful, and non-stressful post-surgery recovery. 

Please help us reach our goal of $40,000!

For additional information feel free to contact Shalom Weinreich 347-432-4039, or Rabbi Yechiel Hess (assistant Rosh Kollel) 732-691-1720.

Please keep Daniel Simcha ben Toba Faiga, and Aaron ben Baila Rachel in your Tefillos!

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