Rav Kanievsky Declares Emergency Situation

A handwritten letter and accompanying statement were released from the home & offices of Rav Chaim Kanievsky this morning regarding an anonymous individual who is, in the words of the Rav, in “dire straits.” Sources connected to Kupat Ha’Ir confirm that the individual is a talmid chacham, and that his situation is a matter of life and death. The statement is as following [translated from Hebrew]:

“Our friend shlit”a is in dire straits. I request from each and every person to participate in this special fundraising appeal. In this merit they will be blessed with only good.” Rav Chaim Kanievsky

Those familiar with the system in the place at the home of Rav Chaim know that each day hundreds shuffle in and out for consultation. For this reason, Rav Kanievsky and his gabbaim have a comprehensive awareness of the suffering present in the Jewish people today. This makes it all the more striking that the Rav has chosen to identify this particular individual’s case as being worthy of constituting its own urgent appeal. It is also notable that the statement calls not only on those who are able to give, but instead places responsibility on “each and every person” to participate in saving his life.

Though the details remain concealed, the urgency is clearly displayed. To quote the full statement, donors “[j]oin the Rav in saving a talmid chacham’s life, and bring into [their] own [lives] Rav Kanievsky’s blessing for “only good,” together with all of the other blessings which come with responding to the urgent requests of the Gedolei HaDor.”



2 Responses

  1. Why does YWN place advertisements in ways that look like articles ? Isn’t that G’nevas Das ?

    Moderators Note: Not when it very clearly says “SPONSORED CONTENT”.

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