Midwinter Yarchei Kallah Event at the Sheraton Hotel in Eatontown, New Jersey

Join 200 bnei Torah at the upcoming 2-day Yarchei Kallah at the Sheraton Hotel in Eatontown, New Jersey!

On Sunday, February 3rd, and Monday, February 4th, a group of some 200 talmidei chachamim, former kollelleit, and working men will gather at the the Sheraton Hotel in Eatontown, just half an hour from Lakewood, for an intensive Torah study event.


Take a break from the drone of everyday working life and immerse yourself in two days of nothing but Torah! The Yarchei Kallah will focus on the sugya of ribbis in the modern workplace. This complex issue will be studied and dissected from every angle during the 2-day session.

Special shiurim will be presented by leading poskim and maggidei shiur, including Rav Chaim Meir Roth, Rav Michoel Frank, Rav Ari Marburger, Rav Avrohom Moshe Lewanoni and Rav Yosef Kushner.

You can even earn continued education credits for attending; lectures qualify as Continued Education Units and Continued Legal Education. Lawyers and nursing home managers can fill legal requirements for advanced courses with this Torah opportunity.

Accommodations at the hotel for Sunday night are included in the package. Price for the two day event is only $350, including one night hotel stay. Book now! Go to www.ykbt.org or email [email protected] for more information.

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