Helping Singles Find Shidduchim, One Daf at a Time

Have you sponsored a daf yet? What are you waiting for? Shas for Shidduchim 2019 is here and the clock is ticking…

After last year’s tremendous success, Chicago Chesed Fund is once again completing all of Shas in the zechus of Klal Yisroel’s shidduchim. And now, you have the unique opportunity to sponsor a daf in the zechus of finding a shidduch for yourself, family, friends, or anyone in Klal Yisroel.

This Tu B’Shvat – Beginning Sunday evening, January 20th through Monday, January 21st – hundreds of lomdim will flock the Veitzener Cheder Yeshiva Ohr Boruch building and embark on a 24-hour quest to complete Shas.

But if you can’t make it to Chicago, don’t worry– you can still be a part of it by sponsoring a daf here. All proceeds are donated exclusively to the Chicago Chesed Fund for the mitzvah of hachnosas kallah.

So, join us! Visit to sign up.

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