Young Mother of 3 Fighting for Her Life – Needs Your Help

Our dear friend, Sarah, is in a fight for her life against a formidable illness. She’s made great advances with the help of Hashem, her doctors, Klal Yisroels’ davening and the money which has been so generously given thus far!

Sarah has undergone a full run of chemotherapy over the past few months so far with great success, but she’s not done yet.  The next treatment protocol of immunotherapy is needed immediately, and will cost the family $70,000 over the next few months.

You have the power to help in this moment. We all do! Please donate and spread the word to all you know! Help Chaya Sarah Malka bas Bracha Leah Chava, this young wife and mother of 3, win the battle!

Help us complete her treatment.

We look forward to sharing good news in all the above!



With our heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation,

Friends of Sarah and Shmuli

Rabbinic Endorsements:

Rabbi Shmuel Brody – Rabbi, Ashreichem Yisrael, Seattle

Rabbi Mordechai Farkash – Rabbi, Eastside Torah Center, Bellevue, WA

Rabbi Ben Hassan – Rabbi, Sephardic Bikur Holim, Seattle

Rabbi Moshe Kletenik – Av Beit Din, Seattle Vaad Harabanim

Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld – Rabbi, Island Synagogue, Mercer Island, WA

Rabbi Sholom Levitin – Director, Chabad of the Pacific Northwest

Rabbi Ron-Ami Meyers – Rabbi, Ezra Bessaroth, Seattle

Rabbi Shimon Raichik – Rav, Congregation Levi Yitzchok, Los Angeles 

Rabbi Yaakov Tanenbaum – Rabbi, Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, Seattle

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