Two Children Found Living As Disabled Mother’s Nurse

A tragic series of events has transformed a happy, wholesome family into a highly dysfunctional household.

15 years ago, Avi Siluk lost a long-fought battle with terminal illness. He left behind a wife, and 10 grieving children.

Widow Sara Siluk took on the daunting challenge of supporting and raising her children alone. For years, she succeeded in giving them what they needed, often working long hours and sacrificing her own health to do so. Recently, however, an unexpected tragedy knocked the family off their feet once more: Sara suffered a severe stroke, which left her disabled.

Since then her teenage children have been forced to come to her aid, helping take her of her extensive medical needs. Without a parent collecting income, the necessary live-in medical assistance is not financially feasible. Robbed of their childhoods, 16-year-old Yaakov and 18-year-old Shoshi’s daily life consists of helping their mother to eat and bathe. It is a far cry from “normal” teenage responsibilities.

Having just married off 25-year-old daughter Rikki, the Siluk family is now critically poor. Unable to pay bills or purchase clothing, their once-happy home is now a dark den of illness & fear. An emergency fund has been started by the kallah, with the goal of indefinitely providing her mother a live-in aide. The medical assistance would give Sara, who has suffered so tremendously, the care that she needs. It would also give Shoshi and Yaakov the childhoods they deserve. Such a change in their lives would truly be valued beyond money.

Donations are being accepted here for a limited time.



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