Breaking: Metziahs & China meet!

Ali express is the largest Chinese retail website. With millions of items it’s hard to discern which products are good quality.

While Shipping does take long, the prices can be 90% lower than elsewhere. Leaving people to wonder is it worth shopping.

Enter in Metziahs. – the largest Jewish fashion site, added an ali section where their team of “Ali shoppers” sort through the rubble to find the gold!
To insure these items are indeed good quality and fit they launched “Metziahs Verified”, where they actually purchase the item to test it for you.
Look out for the verified icon and relax in the knowledge that the product comes recommended.
So whether you are a veteran Ali shopper or an Ali freshie – come & check it out HERE – 
Follow our new Instagram account HERE @metziahsali

To contact the ALI team – email [email protected]

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