The Weekly Parsha Summary-Revolutionize Your Shabbos Experience

Many scholarly and academic books of translations and explanations of the Chumash have been printed and made available to the English-speaking public. However, amongst all the available English [and even Hebrew] literature, there is one very basic non-particularly scholarly work that is fundamentally needed, and that is a basic summary and outline of the events in the Parsha.

The intent of this book is to serve as a general outline and summary of the topics that are discussed in each Parsha together with their crucial details. How many of us have sat through the weekly Torah reading in Shul on Shabbos but have no knowledge of its content? How many of us have sat by our Shabbos table wanting to say something over on the Parsha, but can’t seem to remember its content to help us choose a topic of discussion? How many of us need to prepare a Shabbos Drasha for our Shul and community but can’t seem to remember the topics of discussion that we can choose from. How many of us have children who need to study for a Parsha test but are too overwhelmed by the amount of material required to review. Sitting and flipping through a Chumash with or without a translation, is a long and mentally tiring task, which can exhaust too much of our time and energy. How great would it be to have a general summary and outline with topics and subtopics available in front of us as a quick reference and reminder of what the Parsha speaks about?

Well, it’s finally here; an outline and summary of the entire Chumash, one Parsha at a time, split in accordance to Aliyos, with an enumeration of the Mitzvos found in each Parsha, the amount of verses it contains, and the weekly Haftorah. This work will help the layman and scholar alike in their preparation of the Parsha, and in keeping one in tune with the Aliya just read in Shul. This work will also help those learning their daily Chitas or Chok Leyisrael to have a quick summary of the Torah portion of that day. Last, but not least, this Sefer will help Jews world over to fulfill one of the basic Biblical commands of Torah learning which includes an obligation upon all males to study and become an expert in the content of all of the Parshiyos of the Torah.


Revolutionize your Shabbos experience today with having the entire Parsha available on your fingertips!

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Second Edition for non-orthodox backgrounds

About our publications

A second edition of the above Sefer was printed under the Title “Hebrew Bible Summaries” catering to those from non-orthodox backgrounds. While the content
is identical, the common Hebrew terms used throughout the first edition of the Sefer have been changed to the English terms familiar with those from non- orthodox backgrounds [i.e. Moses versus Moshe].

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