Surprise clip for Sukkos!

Surprise clip for Sukkos!

For the first time, Mona Rosenblum reveals secrets from the musical world.

The legendary composer and arranger Mona Rosenblum composes a new, soul-stirring niggun, inspired by the Simchas Beis Hashoevah that was held in the fabulous sukkah of Mercaz Achim, with hundreds of members in attendance from Achim Global centers in Israel and abroad.

Among the distinguished participants at Wednesday night’s Simchas Beis Hashoevah were Achim Global’s president, the philanthropist Avraham Moshe (Marc) Schimmel, and his family; Rabbi Motty Eichler, chairman of the organization; and leading figures in the financial world including WeWork Israel’s manager, Mr. Benjy Singer, and Bnei Brak mayors Rabbi Chanoch Ziebart and Rabbi Avraham Rubinstein, along with hundreds of businessmen who are members of Achim’s branches in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

The high point of the evening was the appearance, who channeled the spiritual energy of the occasion into a melody he composed on the spot to the words, “Chavivin Yisroel shenikra’u banim laMakom.”

See the video from the Achim Simchas Beis HaShoevah here:

Achim Global – Mercaz Achim for entrepreneurship and business, works for the economic advancement of the chareidi community through a variety of projects and business and employment initiatives. Achim Global runs a worldwide social and business network to assist the entrepreneur and the worker in our globe-spanning family.


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