In memory of my father, Rabbi Raphael Wachsman זצ”ל

תנו כבוד לתורה

In memory of my father, Rabbi Raphael Wachsman זצ”ל

It has now been six months since the passing of my father, Rabbi Raphael Wachsman זצ”ל. Much has been said about his life and all that he accomplished in the time Hashem granted him.  The impact that he made in the lives of so many is truly incredible and inspiring.  He dedicated his life to Torah. He learned Torah, built Torah, taught Torah and he lived a life of Torah.  

I miss him dearly and continue to mourn, but at the same time am motivated to learn, grow and follow the great example that he has set for so many.   I am excited to invite you to join with me as we write a Sefer Torah in his memory. This will be Orlando Torah Academy’s first Sefer Torah! Its use will be a merit for his neshama and a source of comfort and pride for all of us.  It will be a continuation of his life’s mission, to spread and teach Torah, especially to those who may otherwise lack exposure to the beauty of a Torah life.

As we begin a new year, I ask and encourage you to please participate in this great mitzvah.  Thank you very much.

With Sincere appreciation,

R’ Avromi Wachsman –

Founder and Dean of Orlando Torah Academy

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