A Mother Of 10 Kids Suddenly Passed Away This Morning

It’s an unbearable situation, our hearts cry for the Goldstein family who just lost their mother of 11.  She was nifteres just this past Thursday and there is NOTHING in the house!  6 children are still at home and the community is in shock from the absolute poverty that the family is living in. The most basic of necessities were not to be found, all that there was to eat was a leftover pot of soup from last Shabbos.  A few broken chairs to sit on, duct tape to patch the linoleum on the kitchen floor.  This is no exaggeration, there is NOTHING in the house.  

Nobody knew of the Goldstein’s plight, they didn’t ask for charity, Rav Goldstein, a talmid chachom, has totally devoted his life to avodas Hashem and never wanted to burden anyone.  This past Shabbos in the middle of the week of shiva, his son-in-law told him he should rest this Shabbos, his response was “I’ve missed a lot of learning, I’m not going to sleep this Shabbos so that I can make it up”.  He said at the levayah that his wife had never asked him for even $1 in the past 25 years.  But now after his wife’s sudden passing, the family needs our help. 

We are creating a fund to support the family with the basics necessities of life.  The Vaad HaRabbonim of Monsey has set up a board to manage the account and guarantee the most effective distribution of funds.  At this time we are asking Hashem for life, what a zechus it would be to give the Goldstein family life in the most fundamental meaning of the word.

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