It’s all yours! Sukkos for just $10

Bikur Cholim of Lakewood offers you the opportunity to get all of your Yom Tov needs for just $10, while helping to provide for families in crisis a Yom Tov worth millions.
With over 13,000 requests covered since last Sukkos, Bikur Cholim is there for the community 24 hours a day. Baruch Hashem, Sukkos preparations are in full swing- Hundreds of medical equipment items will be loaned out and well over 1,500 meals will be distributed in 15 regional hospitals.
Often, one of the most trying times in the hospital is during a Yom Tov season. Enter Bikur Cholim which supplies a full array of services; fully stocked pantries with abundant Yom Tov delicacies; Friendship Houses to accommodate family members of hospitalized patients and stocked with a variety of tasty foods, supplies, Seforim and anything one might need for a comfortable stay under the difficult circumstances. Transportation to and from medical facilities, or just a local handicapped ride so a loved one can be with family for חול המועד meals, as well as numerous medical equipment from hospital beds to wheelchairs for ailing patients. As one patient put it, “the normalcy Bikur Cholim provided in this trying time really kept the יום טוב spirit, even in these dire surroundings”.
The success of our Sukkos preparations is a direct result of our “Sukkos Raffle”. 
Help us help them!
If you win, we’ll fly you in!
Click Here for raffle  or call our 24 Hour donation line at 855-905-3020.


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