Launches New Free Online Business Halacha Series.

A person would never dream of getting married before
learning the relevant halachos. Why should going into business be any
This was the premise behind a venture by several frum businessmen who saw a gaping
need in the Jewish business community and took it upon themselves to
solve it. 
On a daily basis, it’s unfortunately
very easy to transgress multiple Aveiros, as part of everyday business,
unless someone is aware of the various Halachos. How many people that
enter the workforce know the basic laws of ribis, schar poalim, bal
tolin? And yet these are issues that people in the workplace encounter
every day. 
The online course offers a 7 part
series, each section is approximately 30 minutes long, which serves as a
crash course for the basis of ethical business practices from a Torah
Each class, addresses the common shailos, basic concepts, and frequently asked questions. 
shuirm are taught by Rabbi Ari Marburger Dayan of Bais Din Masharim of
Lakewood, NJ, author of Artscroll’s Business Halacha book. 
Marburger walks the listener through real life business situations and
points out the Halachic issues involved and how to best avoid them. A
few examples of some of the issues addressed are. 
Ribis-  syndicated real estate transactions, credit cards, extending credit and discounts.
Shabbos- issues of real estate management companies, nursing homes and online business. 
HR- Hiring and firing employees and employee rights. 
Sales- sale tactics, exaggeration, misleading statements and many other issues pertaining to sales.
Competition- poaching customers and their clients. 
Take advantage and start a new beginning today. 

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