There’s A Big Chance You Can Save A Life.



Monroe, NY


There’s a big chance you can save a life.

There’s a feeling of warmth and of unity on this Tuesday morning and it has nothing to do with the temperatures hitting 90 degrees. Today is the morning of Refuah Helpline’s GIVE WITH ME campaign. It’s the day when all of klal yisroel unites on behalf of the thousands of cholei yisroel!


From the apartments in Yerushalaim to the yeshivos of Lucerne. From the shuls in London to the kehilla in Antwerp. From the homes of Brooklyn to the community in Lakewood. At every spot on the map, people have made a commitment to give.


The enormity of the situation is what prompted so many people to join. What is so urgent about the plea for help at Refuah Helpline? Why is this year different? We asked random passersby to tell us what they know about Refuah Helpline.


“My brother was recently diagnosed and the entire family was in limbo. There was no one that could understand their matzav and no one that could possibly help them. Until they called Refuah Helpline. I’ll never forget my brother’s words just one week after his diagnosis: ‘If not for the people at Refuah Helpline, I would not have had the courage to live, let alone the right course of treatment to survive. I owe them my life.’ From the moment he called the organization, real live people used their best connections and arranged a second opinion with a top oncologist. The appointment was scheduled the very next day! I could write a book about the help Refuah Helpline provided, but the important part is that my brother is b”H on the way to recovery.”


“Unbelievable! The work of miracles. I work at Refuah Helpline’s office and personally witness the yad Hashem every day. Hannah Landau has completely dedicated her life to guide patients and their families toward the right form of treatment and the right amount of support. No patient is ever turned away! Desperate for anything that would expedite their care, they know they can count on us. This year, the number of calls has been indescribable! Because of that, this year, more than ever, Refuah Helpline needs everyone’s help. So many patients mean that so many donors are needed to raise the sum. It’s the one day of the year that Refuah Helpline asks for backup and every single one of us must be there to answer the call”.


It seems that nearly everyone has a friend or family member afflicted with the dreaded disease. It seems that almost every individual out there has had some sort of personal experience or heard of a firsthand experience with Refuah Helpline’s benevolence. So personal is the connection to the organization, that a unity has emerged in an effort to raise the $1,000,000.


Every single patient should have the ability to be guided and assisted by Refuah Helpline. There can be no greater zechus than saving even one life. Thousands of lives hang in the balance and only the Ribbono Shel Olam can truly send a yeshua their way, but Refuah Helpline is an ever present shaliach on their way to recovery. Whether it’s contacting a specialist at a late hour. Whether it’s directing a patient to a sought after surgeon for immediate care. Whether it’s securing a next day appointment and arranging a hospital transfer cross country. Whatever it may be that can hasten the refuah of a patient, it’s what Refuah Helpline will make a top priority.


Refuah Helpline now has a complete staff dedicated to providing moral support to patients and families. Flooded with nearly 400 calls a day, it’s up to every single one of us to give.




HELP THEM REACH $1,000,000.



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