URGENT: No Treatment for Talmid Chacham Until Outrageous Price is Paid Up Front

A time-sensitive horror story is unfolding before our eyes. Mordechai Dov Zeivald, father of 13 and a talmid chacham, is suffering from an extreme form of Parkinson’s disease. He can no longer talk or care for himself, and he continues to deteriorate. His life is now in grave danger. 

 There is only one facility in the entire world that has offered the Zeivald family some hope for recovery: the Rehaclinic Zihlschlacht in Zurich. This rehabilitation facility is the only one in the world that can save Mordechai Dov’s life. They will not begin treatment, however, without a payment of $80,000 (75,000 CHF). 
Save Mordechai’s life now!

 Mordechai Dov’s condition is time sensitive. The Parkinson’s disease is eating away at his brain, and the Zeivald’s father’s life can be saved only if he begins treatment right away.
Tova Zeivald in this emotional video cries from the depths of her heart: “Please save my husband’s life while we still have a chance. I never thought that I would have to beg.” 

 This is your chance to perform the ultimate mitzvah of saving a life less than two weeks before the Yom HaDin. In the weeks before we hear “who will live and who will die” save Mordechai Dov’s life now, while there is still a life to save.

 An emergency fundaising campaign has been started to save Mr. Zeivald’s life and help home start urgent treatment right away in Switzerland. $80,000 cannot be too high of a price tag to save a life. 



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