Do you know how many of our girls, need a safe place to stay in Jerusalem?

Do you know how many of our girls, need a safe place to stay in Jerusalem?

Our struggling girls roam the streets looking for a place to belong.

Whether they came for seminary, and were told to leave…

Sent to Israel to “straighten out”, but nothing worked out…

Left home for “time out”…

And where would these girls sleep? In places you’d rather not know about.

Places where they spiral downwards, learn more street behaviors, get to know more “bad crowds”… and will need more help to recover from.

There is one place for these girls to stay, run by frum management, yet accepting, warm, proffessional and SAFE.

For the past fourteen years,

Aishel- Reena’s Place has been the only solution for hundreds of girls
who have slept here a night, a week, a month, a year or two!

This is their HOME, and the beginning of their turnaround process.
Where they are accepted the way they are- off the street; unconditionally,
and can begin to believe in themselves and start anew.

Complete their education, hold down a job, Get psychological and/or psychiatric help.
And create their tailor-made plan, to succeed-Possibly for the first time in their life.

Help Aishel-Reena’ Place keep our doors open for the upcoming year!
So that more of our daughters can have a place to belong.


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