Photos, Videos, 144th Yahrtzeit of Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska observed

Yidden throughout the world commemorated the 144 yahrtzeit of Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska commonly referred to by the name of his sefer – Ach Pri Tevuah with the central Tisch led by his descendant the current Liska Rebbe, Harav Tzvi Hersh Friedlander that was attended by adherents of Bais Liska from throughout the NY metropolitan area. 
 Prominent rabonim including Harav Avrohom Friedlander – Hivnover Rov, Harav Zvi Pollack, Rav Tzvi Pollack – Groisvarden Rav & Mora D’Asrah Agudas Shomrei Hadas of Staten Island; Harav Tzvi Weiss – Uheler Rav , Harav Yitzchok Ausch – Vulkaner Rov, Harav Sholem Chaim Friedlander – son of Liska Rebbe, Harav Meir Leifer – Nadvorna–Bania Rebbe and Harav Yitzchok Ausch, Vulkaner Rov who was honored  with birches hamozon. 

Yidden from all around the world converged in the town of Liska, Hungary to daven at of Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska whose fame as a poel yeshous was revered for generations.  

As is customary, 2 shalichim were sent by the Liska Rebbe to daven on behalf of all who submitted kvittlach in advance. 

This year’s shalichim were Harav Yoizef and Binyumin Friedlander, sons of the Hivnover Rov shlita descendants of Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska. 

Liska Rebbe Shlita giving a Bracha for R’ Simcha Eichenstein, Canditate for NY Assembly.

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