Charidy Goes Offline

Charidy is proud to announce the launch of an intuitively designed, user-friendly phone system, which will allow donors to participate in the campaign by calling a number from any type of phone. You can follow the campaign progress by listening to the voice prompts and easily make a donation directly from your phone dialpad.

 This new development will enable individuals and communities to capitalize on the advancements of technology without, well, technology. It will also provide increased accessibility for an older demographic, who do not use the internet as their common method of donating.

This feature has already been successfully used on several charidy campaigns around the world, including a multi-million dollar campaign. During the 36 hour campaign the phone system handled over 12,000 calls flawlessly.  

Participants will be able to easily access much of the charidy experience, hear the goal amounts, find out how much time is remaining, and receive receipts upon donation—all from a single phone call. Live assistance will also be available for those with questions or requiring extra guidance.  

To learn more about this new system, please email [email protected]

Yours Truly,

The (Global) Charidy Team

P.s. If you don’t understand the gif above, you are too young and this feature is not for you:)

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