TRAGEDY IN JERUSALEM: Bereaved husband left to raise children alone

A precious life was lost this month after a swift and fatal turn of events. The young mother of the Levi family, expecting her fourth child, was diagnosed with cancer in the fourth month of pregnancy. Her husband, Chaim, was caring for their three children at home alone, while juggling hospital visits, paperwork and ever-mounting medical expenses. Help the Levi family now. 

In the fifth month of the pregnancy came the doctor’s urgent decision: We must operate now and deliver the baby. If we do nothing, they told Chaim, neither your unborn baby nor your wife will survive. Chaim agreed to the surgery, hoping that both his wife and his child would leave the operating table alive. 

The delicate operation, complicated by Mrs. Levi’s frail condition, took many hours. Finally, the baby was delivered and rushed to the intensive care unit. Soon afterward, Mrs. Levi was wheeled out to recovery. Chaim allowed himself to breathe a small sigh of relief. But it was not to be.

 Only one week later, Mrs. Levi’s condition suddenly deteriorated and she passed away. Chaim is now left alone with four young children; the youngest, still in intensive care, has never known his mother. The family’s situation is critical. Chaim is already dealing with the medical expenses of his wife’s treatment, how will he raise four young children normally and happily? 

 An emergency fundraising campaign has been set up to provide for the Levi family, as Chaim acts as both a mother and a father to his four young children. Donations will enable Chaim to raise his four children knowing that they will be provided for and will grow up with a normal childhood. 

Please help Chaim. Don’t leave him and his children alone.



 Donations can also be made to Kupat Ha’ir fund #7071.      

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