Woodmere Hosts North American Shabbaton Of Yeshivas Iyun Halacha

In a cozy hamlet in the shadow of JFK International
Airport, a diverse group of Jews from every walk of life and every corner of
the USA and beyond, sporting every possible color and texture of hat and
yarmulke, gathered recently to celebrate a common goal – a tireless dedication
to learning halacha b’iyun under the auspices of the aptly named “Yeshivas Iyun
Halacha” at its annual North American Shabbaton. 

The Yeshiva, led by Harav Aharon Schenkolewski Shlita of
Kiryat Sefer, provides a flexible framework for individuals, chavrusos, and
whole chaburos, to systematically study and master critical topics in Halacha,
including Brochos, Shabbos, Issur V’heter, Aveilus, Choshen Mishpat, Kiddushin,
Eiruvin, and many others beginning from the Gemora, through the Rishonim, Tur,
Shulchan Aruch, and Nosei Kailim, to the Acharonim and contemporary Poskim and
Halacha L’Maase.  With written shiurim e-mailed weekly, supplemented with video-conferenced shiurim by the Rabbonim, as well as on-call telephone and email availability of the Rabbonim to discuss halacha and answer questions, the Yeshiva has set a new standard for learning halacha
and spreading Toras Eretz Yisroel globally.

The Shabbos in Woodmere, gave all involved in the programs and their
amazing supportive families, an intimate and lively Shabbos with the Rabbonim and
Hanhalah of the Yeshiva, who flew in from Eretz Yisrael for the annual Shabbaton
and served as the perfect catalyst to further strengthen the bonds between the
Rabbonim, talmidim and alumni who attended.

But most importantly, this Shabbos was a time to revel in the Yeshiva
community’s unmatched Achdus and shared love for Limud Hatorah.
On Shabbos afternoon, Dayan Yitzchok Oshinsky, head of the Haifa Beis Din provided a fascinating insider’s view on key differences between remedies used against recalcitrant get refusers in Eretz Yisroel as compared to Chutz La’aretz. Horav Dovid Ostroff Shilta, a Moreh Horaah in Har Nof, regaled
the attendees with incredible stories from his close personal relationship with
his Rebbe,  Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l.   

Rav Shmuel Simenowitz of Baltimore, MD, N.A. Liaison to the Scottish Jewish Community conducted a single malt tisch for the community and delivered shiurim for women in his uniquely
engaging style.  Divrei Torah from attendees, sumptuous meals, and the renowned hospitality of the Woodmere community came to a crescendo with a rousing musical havdala and dancing.

Sunday morning saw a siyum and the presentation of Semicha
certificates to several of the attendees following years of intense preparation
at the Yeshiva’s “Rishon L’Iyun” banquet, during which everyone was exhorted by
Rav Schenkolewski to keep pushing forward and upwards to achieve even greater
depth and success in their limudim.  Rav Asher
Kolonimus (Arthur) Schlissel of North Bellmore, NY, at age 87 the Yeshiva’s senior
talmid, was honored at the event for his dedication, support and continued
hasmoda, and delivered moving Divrei Brocha. 


The magical weekend left an indelible impression and a generous dose of
Toras Eretz Yisroel and served as a shining example of how Jews around the world
can unite together with love, mutual respect, and single-minded drive toward
the common goals of Ahavas Yisroel, Limud Hatorah, and Avodas Hashem. To learn
more about the exciting learning opportunities offered by the Yeshiva, please
visit www.iyunhalacha.org.

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