Acheinu’s 7th Annual Flatbush Event Happening Tonight!

Tonight, on Tuesday, July 24th, the Flatbush community will gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simcha Applegrad, for Acheinu’s Summer BBQ– an evening of entertainment, gourmet food, and of course, appreciation and support for Acheinu’s dedicated work.

Acheinu – the Kiruv Movement to develop B’nei torah – continues to reach out to our brethren in Eretz Yisrael who have not had the opportunity to have an authentic Torah education. And, using Acheinu’s unique, tailor-made approach to kiruv, Acheinu’s avreichim and supporters have reaped unprecedented results – a 93% success rate!

The remarkable success rate stems from Acheinu’s desire to bring accountability to kiruv. Spearheaded by Acheinu’s Nasi, HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz ZT”L, the program follows three steps: 1. Mentoring 2. Enrollment 3. Follow-up. The number of kiruv activists who accompany every child from a non-religious lifestyle until he becomes a ben Torah is mindboggling. They follow each young man as he slowly becomes frum, becomes a yeshiva bachur and is eventually mainstreamed.

Reb Simcha Applegrad, who has graciously hosted numerous Acheinu events, has been to Eretz Yisrael and observed Acheinu’s activities up close. He expressed his admiration for Acheinu and why he feels fortunate to host the annual Flatbush community event, “Just walking into Acheinu’s Battei Chizuk and Yeshivos; just seeing how they reach out to these kids with love and a sense of mission, inspired me to no end.”

The gourmet barbeque will feature a special live performance by Eli Levin and will take place at 1261 E.32nd Street, (Bet. Aves, L & M). Doors will open at 7:00pm.

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