Meaningful Tisha B’Av Event @ the South Fallsburg shul & Kollel

Join Rabbi Barros explaining fascinating concepts on the Kinus and Megilas Eicha.

Join us as we delve into the meaningful explanation of some selected kinus bringing to life vital messages from d’vrei chazal for the Jew in golus.
Saturday night-motzoei shabbos, JULY 21, MAARIV 9:45p.m. Followed by kinus and explanation
Historical perspective on Churban Bais HaMikdash & Churban Europa
• Inspirational stories of Jews in Galus throughout the exiles.
• Background of the Kinos and their authors
• Divrei Hisorrerus. Open to Men and Women
sunday, july 22 Shacharis: 8:30 a.m. Followed by Kinus with meaningful explanation
1st Mincha 1:40p.m.
Yizkereim video 7p.m. followed by 2nd Mincha 8p.m.
Maariv 9p.m. Conclusion of the fast 9:16p.m.
South Fallsburg Shul and kolel is open ALL YEAR ROUND!!
26 Lake Street, South Fallsburg, NY [email protected] (845)434-3386

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